2022 is coming to a close. We will be closed November 24-27 & December 24-January 1 for the holidays and time with family. Be sure to check the site for class options available yet this year. We are taking time over the holidays to plan for 2023. Also, if you are actively training and not on the Facebook group (for active clients only) be sure to email me for the Secret Santa 2023!

2022 has been one of my most memorable years as a trainer. We had so many new faces step into the obedience ring for the first time. I am SO proud of my crew for stepping out of their comfort zone and push themselves and their dogs. It's been incredibly rewarding to see so many of you reach goals you once thought were impossible...or make goals you'd never dreamed imaginable! My list is not completed yet but we had TWENTY new obedience/rally titles (mostly obedience) this year (and counting)!

This was earlier this year at my favorite local club to show at. I am very grateful for our local clubs and show secretaries that pour so much time and effort into organizing these events. A very special shout out to Sarah Class for all of her help between AQK9 and Fetched Up. I am not sure how I got so lucky and appreciate her so very much. She's always there when I need her!

This is Kim and Atlas. She's one of my small herd of "unicorn clients". She came to a one time class at AQK9 over a year ago and since then has titled in AKC novice obedience, competed and earned legs in UKC obedience and is actively pursuing her AKC CDX title with Atlas. Atlas and Kim have come so far since beginning training. Stay tuned for more great accomplishments from this team.

The Puppy Head Start board & train program has been rewarding. I have had some fabulous puppies stay with me over the summer and fall. Pictured here is Winnie. She made me truly fall in love with the breed. She's demonstrating a good baseline of the "place" command. We are offering a class for this in just a couple of weeks. Check out www.aqk9online.com to register! There is a crate games class the same day.

Jen and I took a long road trip to Michigan this summer to participate in our first UKC Premier. It was an absolute blast. Luna has been crushing obedience in both AKC and UKC this year. May earned her AKC conformation championship and is working on her Grand with AKC along with her UKC conformation championship too. I am very grateful for Jen's help with so many things. We've made some incredible memories this year and cannot wait to see where we go in 2023!!!

I will be your biggest cheerleader as you navigate training with your dog. Will it be easy and fun ALL of the time? No. You will face frustrations and even shed tears. But the ones that don't quit or give up will reap the benefits. Amanda might not love this photo but I do. She has put so much time and effort into her reactive dog and has now earned obedience titles! It's the teams like this that make every minute of every day worth it. Amanda makes NO excuses. She's a mom of SEVEN and still attends classes at least 2-3 times a week. Her personal growth is icing on the cake. I am so fortunate to have Amanda at AQK9. She's an inspiration to so many people at AQK9.

This is Amanda and Maisey earning their BN title. Maisey used to be incredibly people reactive. This a huge accomplishment and not an unrealistic goal for any team.

I am so proud of Fiz and Brembo. It's been one helluva year with these two. I started showing in UKC for the first time. Why didn't I do it sooner? It's been a blast! I actually pointed my first dog in both AKC and UKC conformation and didn't completely hate it. LOL! Brembo earned his Utility title in both AKC and UKC. Fiz earned his Open title in both UKC and AKC. We took many road trips all year. I love these boys so much. 2023 is going to be even better!

After some prompting from a mentor, I finally made the plunge and applied for my NADOI membership this year. I am honored to be part of an elite group of dog training professionals. Part of teaching is learning. Every year I strive to be a better trainer than I was the previous year. Thank you to my mentors Tony, Linda and Dave for their knowledge and expertise these past few years. Learning about KMODT has enabled me to train dogs & people more reliably than ever.